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5 things we can do to be more sustainable in Singapore

Thank you for visiting us @Shinryoku.Singapore.

In this post, we would love to share what we do to be more sustainable in our daily life.


We sometime feel that being sustainable in Singapore is bit difficult.

But, those 5 tips are very simple and anyone can do from today πŸ™‚

1. Carry your Eco-bag

We always carry Eco-bag and try to not use plastic bag πŸ™‚


2. Carry your water bottle

We always carry own water bottle and try to not buy drinks in pet bottles.


3. Carry your cutlery

Many hawker center and restaurants use one time use cutlery.

Use your own cutlery is good for reduce your consumption for those disposable cutlery πŸ™‚


4. Recycle

It’s easy to dispose everything in the bin or dust shooter.

But we separate papers, bottles, and cans, and bring them to recycle box. πŸ™‚


5. Grow edible plants

This is what we passionate about.

There is are vegetables and herbs that you can grow indoor πŸ™‚

Once you learn how to propagate them, you can get unlimited harvest from them.

This would also help you to save your money πŸ˜‰


Each of things are small thing, but we believe small things will make big impact.