Hi! Thank you for visiting us@Shinryoku.Singapore.
In this post, we would love to update our experiment of propagation of syngonium albo.
Check our previous posts if you have not checked yet.
Air Layering with Syngonium Albo Vol.1
Air Layering with Syngonium Albo Vol.2
Previously, we cut some nodes from mother plant and tried air layering.
We got healthy roots within just few days, and potted them into soil.
They look healthy so far but nothing happened yet.
But we found that new sprout is coming on mother plant!
This is the bottom of cutting↓
As you can see, there is a variegated baby coming!
Now the mother plant has re-started producing new leaves 🙂
This was what we expected, but, we found something that we didn’t expected.
We got new sprout from top of mother plant too…!
This is very random,, but they came out!
And now, new leaf is coming and she is very big and also variegated.
In the end, we got 2 grow points on mother plants after cutting nodes.
We are sure this mother plant will become longer and bushier !