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Air Layering with Syngonium Albo -Vol.4

Hi! Thank you for visiting us@Shinryoku.Singapore.

In this post, we gladly update our experiment of propagation of syngonium albo.

Check our previous posts if you have not checked yet.

Air Layering with Syngonium Albo Vol.1

Air Layering with Syngonium Albo Vol.2

Air Layering with Syngonium Albo Vol.3


In previous post, we updated about mother plant which finally had new sprout.

And we also succeeded having new sprout from cutting too!


This is when we potted cuttings.


And this is after a month.

New sprout is also variegated 🙂

We will start fertilizing them and hope they will keep being variegated 😉